Thursday, April 27, 2017

CD 13 (transfer date will be known tomorrow!)


Long time no update? Blame it on Miss P. :P After my last lucrin injection on 13th Jan 2017, my period didnt show up till 15th April 2017. That was more than 11 weeks which was estimated by Dr. Hatta.

To give a better view on what was my cycle was;

During January cycle, i had spotting for more than 14 days. This was due to the Vissane consumption. I had my one and only Lucrin injection on 13th January.

For February cycle, no period came. Lucrin injection was a success.

For March cycle also, no period came. Again Lucrin was a success. But I was starting to get worried.Dr Hatta estimated 11 weeks after 13th January. Period should have come on 31st March. By this time I was a bit sad and thinking i need medical intervention for my period to come. 

For April cycle, hubby manage to calm me down and asked me to wait for the period to come on its own. And alhamdulilah, period came showing her face on the 15th of April, 13 weeks after my Lucrin injection. 

I would not lie that i was VERY stressed with this Lucrin waiting game. Imagine how I will be on my 2weeks wait? Hopefully I could calm down.......

So i whatsapp my nurse on my CD1 - 15th April, and she asked me to make appointment with the clinic for Day3. And Day 3 - 17th April (Monday) i came and see Dr. P. Clinic was very full!! They are going to move to another location by next week (2nd May). The clinic will be expanding and upgraded with latest techniques and technology. Can't wait to visit the new clinic!

Dr P did his TVS and gives me the green light to start my FET this cycle. Yay! To note, Dr P really knows how to be gentle during TVS as i have never felt any pain or discomfort. In contrary if i were to do TVS with female docs, i usually have pain and discomfort. And when they can't locate my ovary, they will push my stomach until they found the ovary while the tvs is still in my cervix. Yeah, that was so uncomfortable!

So FET date will be decided tomorrow, CD14. My full cycle before lucrin is usually 30-32 days. FET will be on my Ovulation time which should be between day 15-17. Hopefully we get the date sooner so we could start all this earlier about 1st - 3rd May. 

Will update more after my appointment tomorrow. Insyallah.. :)
Please pray for me silent readers! 

p/s: thanks for emails coming from anonymous readers. I appreciate all of them. Should u all need any info, don't hesitate to email me ya..

Monday, February 13, 2017

CA 125 normal :)

Alhamdulilah.. Baru sahaja dapat result CA 125 td dr nurse Nurul.

Result CA 125 Normal
Dapat je result ni, cepat2 send pic ni kat nurse Dr. P . Nurse ckp, doc kata boleh start FET dah bulan ni. Datang klinik day 5-9. So, insyallah my FET journey will start soon. Sekarang tunggu period lah. Lucrin xpayah inject lagi. Lega nya! 1 kali jab lucrin je dah bagi result CA125 normal. 

So tips untuk org yang ada adenomyosis/endometriosis, sblm start ivf / fet, buat CA 125 test dlu. Kalau result normal, xperlu ambil test CA 125. Tetapi, kalau result xnormal, ambil lucrin. Then repeat test CA 125. Lucrin lebih berkesan dari Vissanne. Tapi kalau nak lambat kan FET boleh lah ambil Vissane sementara tunggu date sesuai utk FET tu. 

Thank you Allah. One hurdle after another. Good things will come to those who wait.  :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Visanne Hari ke - 43

Assalamualaikum semua dan Selamat Tahun Baru!!!!

Alhamdulillah sampai sudah kita ke permulaan baru di tahun 2017. Marilah sama-sama kita doa agar tahun ini di berkati Allah swt dan apa yang dihajati dapat di perkenan oleh-Nya. Amin.

Last post, saya ada update pasal consuming visanne sebagai alternatif untuk berhentikan period. Saya akan kongsikan apa pengalaman ketika penggunaan visanne.

Apa itu visanne?

Visanne 2mg 1 kotak 28 biji

How does this medication work? What will it do for me?

Dienogest belongs to the class of medications called progestins, medications that act like progesterones in the body. Progesterones are female hormones. They are produced by the body and are necessary along with other hormones for normal female sexual development and for the regulation of the menstrual cycle during childbearing years (males also have progesterones, but in low amounts).
Progestins reduce the effects of estrogen on tissues such as the endometrium (lining of the uterus) and the breast. By reducing the growth effect of estrogen on the endometrium, dienogest helps to reduce the pelvic pain experienced by women with endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition where endometrium-like tissue is found outside the uterus, which causes chronic inflammation.
Basically, visanne adalah hormon sentetik tambahan berbentuk hormon progesteron (hormon perempuan). 

Bagaimana fungsi nya?
-Secara kimianya, saya xberapa pasti bagaimana interaction nya dengan hormon kita. Secara medikal nya, saya di fahamkan oleh doktor saya, (Dr. Hatta), Visanne dapat mengurangkan sakit period dan seterusnya dapat menghentikan cycle period kita. Visanne dikatakan dapat menggantikan / mengambil alih peranan Lucrin sebagai alternative untuk pesakit endo. 

Bagaimana penggunaanya?
-Penggunaannya adalah sebiji sehari (2mg) tablet setiap hari untuk 28 hari (1 cycle). Di sarankan agar pengambilan nya di ambil pada waktu yg sama tiap2 hari.

Pengalaman ketika mengambil vissane
- Side effects
Minggu pertama: Kepala pening (dizziness), Trouble sleeping (susah tidur),
Minggu Kedua dan seterusnya : Berat naik mendadak (~3kg), selera bertambah. Mood swings. Spotting di CD 3-10 (prolong spotting) untuk 2 cycle. Sepatutnya period berhenti terus, tetapi masih ada spotting / bleeding.

- +ve effects (compared to Lucrin)
~Harga jauh lg murah dari Lucrin (Rm130 jika beli di klinik biasa, mungkin percuma di klinik kerajaan),
~ Mudah dihadam. (Lucrin kena cucuk sebulan sekali mengikut jadual. Dan selalunya tempat cucuk sakit dan bengkak pada waktu yg agak lama. Visanne telan sebiji sehari. Simple!

Secara kesimpulannya:
Saya berpuas hati dengan Visanne setakat ni (Day 43). Period pain langsung tiada, maka dapat menghentikan langsung pengambilan Arcoxia (pain killer). Akan tetapi, saya tidak dapat mencapai objektif asal saya mengambil Visanne ----> STOP PERIOD! huhu.. So, saya bimbang dengan spotting saya yang agak lama untuk 2 cycle ini tidak dapat memberikan keputusan yang baik untuk CA 125 saya. Objektif asal pengambilan Visanne adalah untuk menghentikan period supaya uterus saya dapat rehat dan seterusnya mengecutkan adenomyosis saya. Akan tetapi period / spotting tetap datang cuma dia datang dengan tenang (tiada sakit). Oleh itu, saya rasa minggu depan, saya akan minta untuk injection Lucrin untuk 1 kali supaya period dapat di hentikan serta merta. Secara umumnya, tindakbalas reaksi visanne berbeza untuk setiap pesakit. Kita kene cuba dulu baru tahu tahap kesesuaian ubat terhadap badan kita. Insyallah.